殷鸿春,1988年毕业于山东中医药大学中医系。来英国行医前在青岛市中医医院工作。现担任北京中医药大学中医临床特聘专家,国际现代舌诊学会会长,英国中医师学会顾问兼学术委员会副主席,国际现代舌诊学院院长,世界中医药联合会脉象及高血压病专委会理事, 《英国中医》编委及责任编辑。对舌象的研究多有心得,创立现代舌诊诊疗体系。开设并主讲现代舌诊培训课程,学员遍及世界各地。出版中英文版专著《Modern Tongue Diagnostics in Chinese Medicine》、《殷氏现代舌诊原理与图谱》。

Dr. Hongchun Yin graduated from Shandong University of Traditional Chinese Medicine in 1988. Before coming to the UK to practice Chinese medicine, he worked in Qingdao Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Currently he serves as a distinguished clinical expert of TCM at Beijing University of Chinese Medicine, president of the International Association of Modern Tongue Diagnostics (MTD), advisor and vice-chairman of the Academic Committee of FTCMP (?), dean of the international college of MTD, member of Pulse and Hypertension Special Committee of the World Federation of Traditional Chinese Medicine Council, editorial board member and chief editor of [Journal of Chinese Medicine in the UK] He is an expert in tongue reading and related treatment, and has established the MTD system. Dr. Yin established the MTD training courses, and he published the monographs Modern Tongue Diagnostics in Chinese Medicine and "Principles and Maps of Yin's Modern Tongue Diagnostics" in English and Chinese.

Click here for more information.

2023 Times publication article interview with Dr. Yin in English

英国华商报 - 中西医学的融合与碰撞—走访旅英华人中医专家殷鸿春和他的现代舌诊

2023 International Association of Modern Tongue Diagnostics Conference Video
Migraine patient reference video (13.12mb)

Useful links: dh acmds